Program Assistants Dani & Bri debuted a new program at the club last Friday--Mad Science! The program helps youth practice the scientific method with hands-on experiments, then asks them to evaluate the experiment afterward with a brief write-up. Here's what a few of the youth had to say:
"Hey, this is Courtney! Today we did Bottle Rockets. Just in case you didn't know, Bottle Rockets is when you put Mentos into soda and then there's a fountain of soda. We did that for our Mad Science activity. It looked awesome and I ate 3 Mentos! :) Well, I had a blast--LOL, get it, "blast,"...rockets...haha!" ~Courtney N.
"So, today I participated in a science experiment that was so totally fun and classic: Mentos in diet Coke. Well, what I have learned from my experience is that you should be fast in putting your Mentos in or you will be blasted with soda! Overall this was so super delicious fantastic--the best experiment I have done in my life!" ~Raphael L.
"Today we put Mentos in soda, and we had to see what happened. The experiment was fun because we got to see the soda explode. Plus we go to drink the soda afterward, but the soda tasted like mint." ~Chelsea F.
"The experiment today was cool. I've never done anything like that before. The experiment contained teamwork and ninja-skills. Thanks for the Mentos and soda. Miss Dani and Miss Bri rock!" ~DH W.
"I exploded a diet soda. I think it would explode more if it was regular. After it fizzed up quick then we drank it and then we all took a picture." ~Brandon B.
"Today we did a bottle rocket experiment. We had soda and Mentos. We did everything we were supposed to but it never worked. But it was still fun." ~Preston M.