Everyone else voted on who they thought deserved a free cup of hot chocolate (prizes were given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place). Jewel and Kai tied for 2nd--Jewel had some crazy layered socks and Kai decorated his own! And Zack won by an overwhelming number of votes for his neon socks, which he borrowed from his older sister!
When we got to the Ice Palace, everyone rented their skates and hit the ice! Some youth were really skilled skaters and other were just trying for the first time, but they all managed to have a blast. One of my favorite parts of the day was seeing youth helping each other learn how to skate. The staff had plenty of fun too and skated a few laps and played tag with the youth on the ice. Gabby got some great video footage by wearing one of our smaller video cameras around her neck and in her pocket while she skated around the rink, and Rachel, AJ and Kainoa got an opportunity to learn how to use the HD camcorder as well. When the youth weren't skating, they were winning prizes in the arcade, eating lunch together, and just hanging out. At the end of the day, everyone said their favorite part was when they turned the lights out and used the disco lights!