"Soul Surfer was about a girl who followed her dream of being a professional surfer and she didn't let anything get in her way, not even without an arm. I learned from the movie that Bethany Hamilton is a person who tries and tries to to do the best at anything she wants to do. She is very inspirational because when she went to Thailand she taught the kids to surf and everyone just got their boards and went in to the water right after the disaster. My favorite part of the movie was when the girl who won first place said that she wants to share first place with Bethany." ~Jasmine
"Soul Surfer was about learning how to recover from an accident and following your dream. I learned that Bethany is a great role model and she tries her best to follow her dreams. My favorite part of the movie was when she went night surfing and the fireworks came out at midnight. Bethany is inspirational because she still surfs even after her accident." ~Jahcianna
"Soul Surfer was about a girl who got back on her board even after the shark bit off her arm. I learned that you can accomplish anything when you try hard. My favorite part of the movie was when she almost won because she caught a wave that no one else did. Bethany inspires me because she showed me that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. I know that if I put my mind to it I can become a writer, which is something I really want to do." ~Gabby
"Soul Surfer was about a girl who lost her arm but still wants to follow her heart and surf. I learned from the movie that Bethany Hamilton is a strong girl who pushes through things no matter how hard they are. My favorite part of the movie was (this may sound mean) when the shark took her arm because that was when the whole movie became interesting. She's inspirational because she helped people. Also because she kept on going after the shark bit her and she still went back in the water." ~Courtney