~Coach Bri
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
...First and Last... Aliamanu Represents at the Biddy Basketball Tournament!
On Saturday 10 members from Aliamanu participated in the 33rd Annual Biddy Baller Easter Classic at the Spalding Clubhouse. The boys practiced hard two times a week for a month and a half to prepare for the tournament, and they showed up ready to play! Using all the knowledge they gained from practices, the boys played four games, winning 2 and losing 2.
When the team wasn't playing a game, they were given special access into the game room where they played pool, foosball, air hockey and xbox. In the game room, members from all of the teams were able to interact with each other and Diano shared that he was able to meet new friends and Arnold said that "the game room was really fun." The boys gathered at the end of the day to watch the championship game between Santa Monica and Spalding. The boys cheered for the Spalding team and Brandon's favorite part of the day was when Cameron from the Spalding team made a last second shot from the half court to win the game.
Aliamanu finished the tournament in 4th place. All the players really enjoyed playing basketball with their friends. Rex enjoyed "breaking some ankles" while JP loved challenging the other teams and they all enjoyed winning! Diano's favorite part was when he "made some awesome shots like the 3 pointer swish" and when he "drove in for 2 points."
The boys learned many things throughout this experience. Reyez learned to play fair and "pump fake" so he won't get capped. Brandon learned to play good defense by putting your hands up. JP learned that rebounding is really important. Rex learned that he can't get mad while playing sports and Dane learned not to be a sore loser.
The boys were provided a delicious dinner at the end of the day for all of their hard work. Congratulations to the Aliamanu Basketball Team for doing an awesome job! To see more photos from the game, click here!
~Coach Bri
~Coach Bri