Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mentos Rockets Take 2!

For Mad Science this week, youth tried the Mentos Rocket experiment again with different types of sodas. Their results were pretty awesome and it's obvious that the kids always love this one!

"Today was so cool! We got to put Mentos on a paperclip. Then we went outside. Guest what we did next? You got it--we made soda explode!" ~Keonna

"For this Mad Science, we put Mentos in soda so they would explode. Mine was one of the highest! But the best part was it exploding in Delysa's face!" ~Shantae
"OMG!! Mentos in soda is the best experiment you could possibly do. When I first put the Mentos in the soda, it started bubbling then shot out of the soda bottle! FUN!! But, the mystery is how do we get the paperclip with the Mentos on it out!?" ~Delysa

"I thought this was a fun Mad Science! Ours went the highest and it was awesome. I thought ours wasn't gonna go up, but it did!" ~Esther

"Our team was the last one, who got the highest. Exploding Mentos was awesome! After that, we started drinking it while the Mentos was still inside!" ~Justice