"I feel that this project was the hardest project because I had to stay still. I also felt silly with a head band on and it was pulling my skin which made me feel uncomfortable. My mask revealed that I was moving too much because it was a little crooked. Something my mask hides is my angry personality. I have to put this mask on during baseball games because when I strike out I can't throw the bat on the ground. The most difficult part about this activity was staying still because I don't like to stay still. I made myself stay still by telling myself to 'shh.' One positive aspect of this activity is I liked to put the Vaseline on because it felt cold. Another positive thing in this activity is it tested my endurance by showing me how long I could sit still." ~Bradley
"I felt that this project was weird because after Gabby put the first strip on my nose, my nose because itchy. My mask hides all my facial expressions that I show. My face reveals all my true feelings about others. Because I could easily just tell someone that I like them, but my facial expression shows how I really feel if I don't like them. The most difficult part about this project was to not laugh or smile. What I mostly liked about it was trying to wiggle my way out of my mask. I also liked how it shows every detail on my face." ~Shantae
"This project was fun. It was fun to put casting strips on our faces. The mask reveals what you look like. It hides your personality because behind it, people don't know what you're really like. The most difficult part about this project was staying still. What I liked the most was trusting the person with putting casting strips on my face. I like how my mask looks like me too. But putting Vaseline on your face was not the best because it smells! The part of my personality that my mask hides is that I like to try new things." ~Gabby